Proclaim Peace: The Restoration's Answer to an Age of Conflict by Patrick Q. Mason & J. David Pulsipher
Proclaim Peace: The Restoration's Answer to an Age of Conflict by Patrick Q. Mason & J. David Pulsipher
To many, the Latter-Day Saints remain something of an enigma; they are missionaries, we know, but what are their attributes toward war and peace? Providing clear expectations, as Proclaim Peace does, would itself be a contribution to public understanding. But authors Mason and Pulsipher are more ambitious: they seek not only to introduce outsiders to the peace principles and orientation of their church but to call the attention of their co-religionists to the "rich veins of peace and nonviolent theology" embedded in its Book of Mormon and other distinctive scriptures and doctrines. In doing so, they ultimately aim to make the church's insights and resources for nonviolent conflict resolution available to insiders and outsiders alike and integrate the Saints into the company of faith-based professional peacebuilders. To that end, Mason and Pulsipher have written a fascinating and compelling book that deserves a readship among those of any, or no, religious affiliation who strive to build more peaceful and just societies.
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