Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol. 9: Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley
Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol. 9: Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley
When shall we see Zion? In 1833, the Lord told Joseph Smith, "There is even now already in store sufficient, yea, even an abundance, to redeem Zion, and establish her waste places, to no more be thrown down, were the churches, who call themselves after my name, willing to hearken to my voice" (D&C 101:75). In Approaching Zion, Hugh Nibley echoes this message -- that the Latter-day Saints will see Zion when they stop seeking Babylon.
This volume may be troubling to those who aim to accumulate and enjoy Satan's salient icon in this world -- money. Brother Nibley explains: "All my life I have shied away from these disturbing and highly unpopular -- even offensive -- themes. But I cannot do so any longer, because in my old age I have taken to reading the scriptures and there have had it forced upon my reluctant attention, that from the time of Adam to the present day, Zion has been pitted against Babylon, and the name of the game has always been money -- 'power and gain.'"
Many readers of Nibley have confessed that reading one or two of Nibley's Zion essays is stimulating. Reading and rereading all these talks and essays, compiled over the past twenty years, is thoroughly sobering, based, as they are, in Nibley fashion, on ample reference to the scriptures and the best thinking of all ages.
Because these papers deal with contemporary issues, some readers may find them controversial in places. This only underscores their importance. Nibley fully intends to shake us up, make us think, and call us to repentance. In this volume; he succeeds.
Hard Cover.
This volume may be troubling to those who aim to accumulate and enjoy Satan's salient icon in this world -- money. Brother Nibley explains: "All my life I have shied away from these disturbing and highly unpopular -- even offensive -- themes. But I cannot do so any longer, because in my old age I have taken to reading the scriptures and there have had it forced upon my reluctant attention, that from the time of Adam to the present day, Zion has been pitted against Babylon, and the name of the game has always been money -- 'power and gain.'"
Many readers of Nibley have confessed that reading one or two of Nibley's Zion essays is stimulating. Reading and rereading all these talks and essays, compiled over the past twenty years, is thoroughly sobering, based, as they are, in Nibley fashion, on ample reference to the scriptures and the best thinking of all ages.
Because these papers deal with contemporary issues, some readers may find them controversial in places. This only underscores their importance. Nibley fully intends to shake us up, make us think, and call us to repentance. In this volume; he succeeds.
Hard Cover.