The Pursuit Of Happi-nest By Mary Joanne Bell
The Pursuit Of Happi-nest By Mary Joanne Bell
Would you like to fil your home with more love and laughter, more happily ever after, even with toddler disaster? This book shines a happily ever after, even with toddler disaster? This book shines a light on how to build the more heavenly home you desire. Author and mother of eight, MaryJo Bell is ready to whisk you away on a funny, quirky, relatable quest to build a nourishing nest of zest and rest. The more peaceful home can be yours.
The Pursuit of Happi-Nest is gently sprinkled with ideas from a batch of people known for often producing heavenly sorts of homes. This fresh, unique book is infused with love for heaven, family, and for all those of any faith- or no faith at all- seeking to bring more love home.
Soft cover.