Repicturing The Restoration: New Art To Expand Our Understanding By Anthony Sweat
Repicturing The Restoration: New Art To Expand Our Understanding By Anthony Sweat
While art related to the Restoration is rich and beautiful, many important events in Latter-Day Saint History have been undepicted or have under-emphasized some historical details. For example, why don't we have a portrayal of the First Vision with "many angels" in the grove, as the 1835 account mentions? Faithful women and men participated in baptisms for the dead in the Mississippi River, so where are those images on canvas? Black men received the priesthood during Joseph Smith's tenure, so why haven't artists painted such an event? Wouldn't those images help open wonderful knowledge and discussion and insights about the Restoration? Through his original new paintings and discussion of the historical record, artist, author and professor Anthony Sweat takes us through a history of pivotal early events and revelations of the Restoration, from New York to Pennsylvania, to Ohio and Missouri, and into Illinois.
Hard cover.
Hard cover.