Our Day Star Rising: Exploring the New Testament with Jeffrey R. Holland
Our Day Star Rising: Exploring the New Testament with Jeffrey R. Holland
In his decades as a teacher and an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland has often shared remarkable insights gleaned from his study of the New Testament. Our Day Star Rising compiles these insights: those about the history and context of the New Testament as well as teaching from the New Testament, wherein he uses its verses to cast new light on various doctrinal themes.
Among the many names of Christ is the Day Star- the sun- that "shineth in a dark place until the day dawn... in your hearts". Our lives will have difficult periods, which may go on for days, months, or even years. A painful problem does not get resolved; a conflicted relationship never seems to heal; times of poor health or poor finances or poor choices persist. But in al of it, somehow, not only when He comes again but also during the anticipation of His coming, we an rest assured that His light will guide us unfailingly through- a star by night and the blazing sun of glory in the day. This book reminds us of the promise that, if we wait for it and watch for it and want it badly enough, our Day Star will most certainly arise in our hearts.
Hard cover.
Among the many names of Christ is the Day Star- the sun- that "shineth in a dark place until the day dawn... in your hearts". Our lives will have difficult periods, which may go on for days, months, or even years. A painful problem does not get resolved; a conflicted relationship never seems to heal; times of poor health or poor finances or poor choices persist. But in al of it, somehow, not only when He comes again but also during the anticipation of His coming, we an rest assured that His light will guide us unfailingly through- a star by night and the blazing sun of glory in the day. This book reminds us of the promise that, if we wait for it and watch for it and want it badly enough, our Day Star will most certainly arise in our hearts.
Hard cover.