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Look Up My Soul The Divine Promise Of Hope by Gerald N. Lund

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Look Up My Soul The Divine Promise Of Hope by Gerald N. Lund

1 – 9$25.99
10 – 24$22.09
25 – 49$20.79
50 +$19.49


Faith, Hope, and Charity are known as the three great Christian virtues. And while we may feel as though we know how to exercise faith or extend charity, too many of us are overlooking hope — even though it is exactly what we are seeking. 
Hope is more than an attitude of good cheer or a generalized faith in God. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf defined hope as “the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to us.” In Look Up, My Soul, Elder Gerald N. Lund leads us through a discussion of the doctrine of hope in such depth and detail, and with such love, that we may be surprised at this unexpected and under-appreciated power that is available to us. 

Elder Lund talks about the realities of life in our day, the reasons many of us lack hope, and the need for hope in our time. He shares his insights on such questions as: 
  • What is hope? 
  • How does hope relate to faith and charity? 
  • How do we gain, strengthen, and maintain our hope, especially in times of despair? 
  • What role does the Savior play in our efforts to develop hope? What are the divine promises that foster hope? 

Included in the book are inspirational and enlightening stories — from Church history, the scriptures, Elder Lund's own life, and the lives of others who were willing to share their stories of hope — that invite us to look up and to find joy in the promises the Lord has made to us.
Hard Cover.

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