Grace Of God Print By Jay Bryant Ward - 5" x 7"
Grace Of God Print By Jay Bryant Ward - 5" x 7"
- Print only
- “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.”
- “This painting was planned as an image of Jesus praying with a little boy and many people still see it that way. However, as I prepared to paint it, I realized there was much more: We were expecting our third child at the time, and I started thinking about my role as a father, and about Joseph and the sacred calling and tremendous responsibility he must have felt. What inspired and sacred moments must have been shared as Joseph did what he could to prepare the lord in those tender early years, and I wonder who may have learned more.”
- Artist: Jay Bryant Ward
- Brand: Altus
- Approx. 5" x 7"