The Art of Risk: The New Science of Courage, Caution, and Chance by Kayt Sukel
The Art of Risk: The New Science of Courage, Caution, and Chance by Kayt Sukel
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Everyone thinks they want to be free - or do they? Why are some people so much more willing to go out on a limb than others?
Applying the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, Skuel offers an in depth look at different stages of life. With interviews and anecdotes from real life risk takers a firefighter, a brain surgeon, a professional poker player, among others her interpretations of scientific findings on risk, courage, and decision making will surely resonate with readers on a personal level.
Hard Cover.
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Everyone thinks they want to be free - or do they? Why are some people so much more willing to go out on a limb than others?
Applying the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, Skuel offers an in depth look at different stages of life. With interviews and anecdotes from real life risk takers a firefighter, a brain surgeon, a professional poker player, among others her interpretations of scientific findings on risk, courage, and decision making will surely resonate with readers on a personal level.
Hard Cover.