To Return Home by Jan Otterstrom
To Return Home by Jan Otterstrom
We discovered the poetry of Jan Otterstrom in 2004 when he became a regular visitor to the Island, promoting music and the arts. The "Coleccion Sur" del Festival Internacional de la Poesia de La Habana chose to publish Jan's book "TELAR", (2006) a bilingual presentation of his poetry that was a success in Cuba and chosen for a 2nd edición, en la Colección "Poetas del mundo", de la Editorial "El perro y la rana", del Ministerio de Cultura de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. that edition was 5000 copies and is now in circulation in South America.
Later "Coleccion Sur" chose to publish his next book in 2008 "Suite de La Habana" also bilingual. Jan and his poetry are widely recognized and respected in Cuba and among many poets and poetry aficionados of the world. I am pleased to recommend his work to anyone seriously interested in poetry, its range, beauty, surprises of thoughts and syntax; surely you will find Jan's voice unique and refreshing.
We are pleased to recommend the poetry of Jan G. Otterstrom because he is one poet who has successfully marked out the outer regions of our consciousness. His poetry puts into words and describes a real but unseen world. For a religious person, the poems will certainly strike multiple chords of recognition folded into their primal history and those who need to see and feel first: concrete literary evidence.
-Institute for the Search of Extra Terrestrial Life, San Francisco Ca.
Soft Cover.
Later "Coleccion Sur" chose to publish his next book in 2008 "Suite de La Habana" also bilingual. Jan and his poetry are widely recognized and respected in Cuba and among many poets and poetry aficionados of the world. I am pleased to recommend his work to anyone seriously interested in poetry, its range, beauty, surprises of thoughts and syntax; surely you will find Jan's voice unique and refreshing.
We are pleased to recommend the poetry of Jan G. Otterstrom because he is one poet who has successfully marked out the outer regions of our consciousness. His poetry puts into words and describes a real but unseen world. For a religious person, the poems will certainly strike multiple chords of recognition folded into their primal history and those who need to see and feel first: concrete literary evidence.
-Institute for the Search of Extra Terrestrial Life, San Francisco Ca.
Soft Cover.
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
12/15/2017 5:56 am
You Are Home In Your Heart
by Evelia
Loved it.