Outliers: The Story Of Success By Malcom Gladwell
Outliers: The Story Of Success By Malcom Gladwell
In understanding successful people, we have come to focus far too much on their intelligence and ambition and personality traits. Instead, Malcom Gladwell argues in Outliers, we should look at the world that surrounds the successful - their culture, their family, their generation and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way, Gladwell reveals what the Beatles and Bill Gates have in common, the reason you've never heard the smartest man in the world, why almost no star hockey players are born in the fall and why, when it comes to plane crashes, where the pilots are born matters as much as how well they are trained.
The lives of outliers - people who's achievements fall outside normal experience - follow a peculiar and unexpected logic, and in uncovering that logic Gladwell presents a fascinating and provocative blueprint for making the most of human potential.
Soft cover.
The lives of outliers - people who's achievements fall outside normal experience - follow a peculiar and unexpected logic, and in uncovering that logic Gladwell presents a fascinating and provocative blueprint for making the most of human potential.
Soft cover.